Fox News is clawing back some credibility with this Bret Baier interview of Donald Trump. One of the mysteries of Trump is how he can so blatantly deflect and lie, while still thinking he has “the best words.”

Baier: Then they went to DOJ to subpoena you —

Trump: Which they’ve never done before
[[ because they’ve never had to it before ]]

Baier: Right, but why not just hand them over then?

Trump: Because I had boxes, I wanna go through the boxes and get all my personal things out, I don’t want to hand that over to NARA yet, and I was very busy as you’ve sorta seen
[[ our top secret, classified documents mean so little to Trump that he has them boxed together with personal effects ]]

Baier: According to the indictment you then tell this aide to move to other locations after telling your lawyers to say you fully complied with the subpoena when you hadn’t

Trump: Bret, before I send boxes over I have to take all my things out, these boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things, uh golf shirts, clothing, pants, shoes, there were many things —

Baier: Iran war plans?
[[ 😂😂 BASED ]]

Trump: Not that I know of, not that I know of, but everything was declassified. And Biden didn’t have the right to do that because he wasn’t president, nor did Mike Pence, by the way, have the right to do that because he wasn’t president
[[ And here we go, deflect, deflect, deflect. But what about Biden? But what about her e-mails? ]]